Basic rules for tenants

We require every member of our community to abide by these simple rules to be a great partner:

  • Respect your landlord's home as if it were your own
  • Comply with the standard house rules of the accommodation

Basic Rules Details

Respect your landlord's home as if it were your own

  • Cleanliness: Tenants must not leave the unit in a condition that would require excessive or deep cleaning (with food scraps, dirty carpets or pet soiling, etc.). The cleaning fee set by the landlords is only intended to cover the cost of a normal cleaning between rentals (laundry, vacuuming, etc.).

  • Waste: Tenants must place their waste in the bins provided for this purpose (compliance with selective sorting if necessary) and avoid overloading the bins with excessive quantities of waste.

  • Damages: When tenants cause damage that goes beyond normal wear and tear, they are expected to inform landlords as soon as possible to find a reasonable solution together. Tenants are responsible for paying reasonable claims if they are responsible for damages, missing items or unexpected cleaning costs.

Comply with the standard house rules of the accommodation

  • Authorized persons: Tenants must respect the number of people allowed and ask their landlord if they are unsure about the rules applicable to visitors. Gatherings that could create a nuisance are always prohibited. For more information, see our Respect for Neighbors Policy.

  • Date and time of arrival: Tenants must respect the arrival dates and times indicated by the contract and must not arrive outside the specified times, if applicable.

  • Departure date: Tenants must leave the accommodation and return the keys by the date indicated on their lease agreement. They must not leave their personal belongings in the accommodation after the scheduled date in order to retrieving them later, without prior authorization from the owner of the property.

  • Smoking authorization: Tenants must not smoke inside a dwelling unless they are authorized to do so by their landlord. This includes the use of tobacco, cannabis, e-cigarettes, etc.

  • Presence of pets: Tenants must not bring pets into a unit where the house rules prohibit their presence. They must also not bring more animals than the authorized number, nor must they fail to inform the owner of their presence. Please note that service animals are not considered pets. More information about service animal rules can be found in our Accessibility Policy.

  • Noise: Tenants must respect designated rest times and not disturb the neighborhood with a disturbing noise level (loud music, shouting, slammed doors, etc.).

  • Photo shoots and commercial shoots: Tenants must not organize or participate in filming or photo shoots for commercial or profit purposes, without the written permission of their landlord.

Report a breach

Roomlers encourages tenants to promptly report any breaches of the basic rules. When a client is faced with an alleged or actual breach of these rules, we advise you to take the following steps:

  • Communicate with your tenant: This is often the fastest way to solve a problem.

  • Keep track of the violation by bringing up the issue in the Roomlers thread, keeping neighbors' complaints sent via email, or taking photos, for example.

  • Contact us to report any issues or request payment for damages through the Resolution Center.

  • Leave an honest review, with remarks that the tenant can take into account for future stays.

What does Roomlers do if tenants don't follow the basic rules?

We are committed to upholding these basic rules. To this end, we may need to inform tenants of this policy and issue warnings to them. When repeated or serious breaches of the basic rules are reported, tenants may also be suspended or excluded from our community.
In addition to the standard house rules covered in these Basic Rules, owners can also add an additional set of written rules to their listing. If a tenant violates any of these additional rules, landlords can contact Customer Support to help them take appropriate action.

Communicate quickly with the landlord if there is a problem

In addition to the Basic Rules above, good communication between landlords and tenants is essential for the success of any stay. When tenants can (when they have access to the phone network, etc.), Roomlers encourages them to be responsive when a landlord contacts them to resolve an issue.

Appealing Decisions Taken in the Event of Misconduct

Tenants may appeal decisions made under this policy by contacting Customer Support or by using the link we provide to initiate the appeal process. When reviewing appeals, we consider any additional details that the renter provides, such as new or corrected information, breaches of our Feedback Policy, or other relevant circumstances related to the breach(es).